Complete database of all US ZIP codes

The most cost-effective and comprehensive database of all 41,850 US zip codes – with linked cities, counties, states, coordinates, populations and more. It is ideal for location lookups, website localization, marketing and data verification.

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Screenshot of the zip code list data in Excel

Linked locations and demographic data

No complicated lookups are necessary – all records include linked location data (including city, county, state, latitude and longitude, area code and timezone), plus the most recent US census information wherever available (including population, households and average income for each zip code).

Includes SQL, CSV and Excel formats

The data is compatible out-of-the-box with nearly all SQL databases, GIS systems, programming languages and spreadsheet applications – including Excel – so you can use the data easily without worrying about time-consuming file conversions or imports.

Up-to-date information

All records have been updated using the most recent population estimates from the US Census Bureau, demographic data from the American Community Survey and location information from the US Geological Survey.

Unrestricted licensing & no renewal fees

There are no restrictive data license conditions or ongoing fees. The data is yours to use permanently with no renewal charges, there are no limits on the number of devices or users, and you can use the data for commercial purposes at no extra cost. Find out more about the terms of use.

Tried and tested with…
Access MySQL SQL Server PostgreSQL SQLite Access PHPMyAdmin Open Office

About the data

The data contains a total of 41,850 unique records and provides full coverage of all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and outlying US territories (American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands). It includes all Standard, Unique, PO Box and Military zip codes coded in line with USPS standards.

Zipcode92672TEXT(5)This field contains all 5-digit zip codes currently in active use by the USPS.
CitySan ClementeTEXT(27)The primary city associated with each record, as designated by the USPS.
CountyOrange CountyTEXT(33)The name of the county or local government area for the record.
State codeCATEXT(2)The 2 character state abbreviation for the record as defined in ISO 3166-2.
StateCaliforniaTEXT(28)The full-length name of the state for the record.
Area code949TEXT(3)The telephone area code for the record.
Latitude33.42411DECIMAL(8,5)The WGS83 latitude coordinate for the center point of the zip code.
Longitude-117.60678DECIMAL(8,5)The WGS83 longitude coordinate for the center point of the zip code.
TypeStandardTEXT(8)The type of record: Standard, Unique (used for a single high-volume address), PO Box or Military.
Population35,224INTEGERThe total population for the record (based on US Census ZCTAs) using the latest 2014 population estimates. If not available this field is set to 0.
Households14,344INTEGERThe total number of households for the record (based on US Census ZCTAs) using the latest 5 year estimates from the American Community Survey. If not available this field is set to 0.
Mean income ($)103,014INTEGERThe average (mean) household income for the record (based on US Census ZCTAs) using the latest 5 year estimates from the American Community Survey. If not available this field is set to 0.
Land area (m2)20,591,645INTEGERThe area of land covered in sq. meters.
Water area (m2)2,340,752INTEGERThe area of water covered in sq. meters.
TimezoneAmerica/Los AngelesTEXT(30)The IANA timezone for the record.